Integrations: How do I integrate with Shipwire?

To fulfill your orders with Shipwire, use the following instructions to set up your integration:

  1. On the menu on the left, click Start Shipping.
  2. Select Fulfillment Integration.
  3. Click the Connect to Services tab.
  4. Click Add New Connection.
  5. Select Shopify as your fulfillment service.
  6. In Shopify:
    1. On the left, go to Apps
    2. On the bottom click “Working with a developer on your shop? Manage private apps.”
    3. Click “Create new Private App”
    4. On BackerKit enter your API key  (API key is the API username on Shipwire)
    5. On Backerkit enter your Store subdomain (Store subdomain is whatever appears before
  7. On BackerKit click “Check SKUs with Shopify”
    1. This will put you on a page with all of the matching SKUs we found. 
    2. If there are any errors, you can correct them and try before proceeding 
  8. Push a test order over and verify it was a success
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