Do I have a Backer Account in BackerKit?

If you are not sure if you've created a Backer Account or not, you can try logging in from the backer login page

If you see an error  Invalid email or password. Try again. , please confirm that your email address and password is correct. If you are not able to log in, it is also possible that you have not made an account. 

If you'd like to create a Backer Account, you can sign up.

If you see an error There is already an account created for this email address. you already have an account, or already started the process but did not complete the activation. 

You can request to resend the activation email to complete the activation.

If you see the above message, check your email to complete the activation of your Backer Account.

If you see the above message, you have a Backer Account.

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