How do I send my digital download to my backers?

After you set up your digital download or access code, you can send it to your backers. You'll need to send the emails separately after they're distributed. Then, your backers will receive an email notifying them of the available download.

If a backer receives multiple downloads, they’ll receive one email with a summary of all the distributions sent on the same day.

Important: Once you start distribution, your files or codes are immediately available to your backers. Backers can access their digital download or access code through their survey. You can also choose to separately email your backers about their download or code.

To send your digital download or access code to your backers:

  1. On the menu on the left, click Digital Downloads.
  2. Start Sending To Backers:
    1. Batch Download Sending:
      1. Click Batch Start Distribution at the top of the page to send all downloads.
    2. Individual Download Sending:
      1. Find the name of the download you want to distribute.
      2. Click Start Distribution.
  3. Once all of your downloads or codes are distributed, if you want to immediately send an email to your backers letting them know, click, Blast <number> Notification Emails.

After you send your initial distribution, BackerKit checks once a day to see if any new backers meet the criteria to receive the download or code. If you want to send the download or code to new backers immediately, click the Refresh button next to the distribution name.

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