How do I turn off survey reminders?

If you are looking to turn off survey reminders to your backers, you can do this by pledge level or by segmenting backers without closing your project.

Disable reminders for Pledge Levels:

  1. Go to your Pledge Levels
  2. Click on Batch Edit 

  1. Select the Send Survey? tab

4. Toggle Yes to No for the pledge levels for which you would like to turn off the survey reminders. 

5. Click Save

Once Send Survey is set to “OFF”, no backer from the selected pledge levels will receive survey reminders from BackerKit. 

Disable reminders and survey access for specific backers:

If you are looking to stop reminders AND close survey access for specific backers, you can do so by following the steps below. Closing surveys will prevent the backers from accessing their survey or digital rewards. These orders can be Reopened using the same segment action or under the Actions menu on individual orders.

  1. Create a Segment of backers.
  2. Click on the Segment Actions tab.
  3. Scroll down to the Close Surveys/Reopen Surveys option.
  4. Select the Close Surveys option.

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