How Do I Share My Campaign Page Preview Link Before Launch?

You may want to send your Campaign Page to your closest friends or colleagues so they can help give you an honest review. Having someone outside you or your team to review your campaign page can give you great insights so you can have your best campaign ever!


BackerKit Crowdfunding



BackerKit Crowdfunding

  1. Click "Copy Share Link" at the top of your dashboard

  1. Share this preview link with friends or family to ask for feedback.

Please note: Sharing your BackerKit Campaign Preview Link allows anyone with the link to pledge to your campaign. If you are not ready to accept pledges, please ask those you are sharing with not to pledge to your campaign until launch day.


  1. Click “Preview” at the top of your project edit overview

  2. To allow us to view your project preview, enable sharing by clicking "Manage sharing" at the top of your preview page.

  3. On the modal that appears, click the toggle button to enable sharing. Then, click the link icon to copy the shareable URL. This URL will include “token” in it, if it does not, the link is incorrect.

    Note: Disabling the sharing will prevent anybody from seeing your campaign using the previously generated link. Each time you enable sharing it will generate a new token. 


  1. Under the "Extras" page under "Draft Campaign Share Link", click on "Generate Link".

  2. The shareable URL will be generated. 

    Note: "Disable Link" will prevent anybody from seeing your campaign even if you shared the link to your draft campaign. That way you are always in control over who can see your draft. 

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