Does BackerKit support add-ons offered on Kickstarter?
When your campaign is over, BackerKit will import all of the add-ons offered during the campaign on the Campaign Add-ons page. Once each campaign add-on is mapped to a survey add-on or add-ons, they will be automatically dropped onto the backers’ carts. Using the survey, backers will then be able to confirm their campaigns after making their selection if applicable.
Do I still need BackerKit add-ons if I’m offering add-ons on Kickstarter?
Yes! Here are a few reasons why:
- Sell more - Creators raise more, 16% on average, when offering ad-ons on BackerKit even after already offering them on Kickstarter.
- Easier to understand shipping fees for backers - On Kickstarter, you can only charge a flat fee per add-on per country. If you choose to charge shipping after the campaign, you can set up more accurate shipping based on weight or quantity in BackerKit.
- Support for handling variants and more complex add-ons – In BackerKit, you can set up variants for each add-on as well as upgrade /downgrade fees if necessary.
- Reduce fulfillment complexity - BackerKit already has integrations and exports that work with various fulfillment companies and groups together add-ons ordered in Kickstarter and in BackerKit.