How to setup Community Achievements

Community Achievements add depth and connection to your campaign. They spotlight shared accomplishments, making the crowdfunding experience about more than just your product. Whether you decide to feature funding goals, backer counts, or other metrics, Community Achievements are flexible enough to adapt to your campaign's essence, inspiring meaningful actions that drive participation and progress. There are several types you can set up to make your campaign interactive!

Pledge count/funding goal achievements:

What they are:

Our version of “classic” achievements, these are very much a new and more engaging version of stretch goals. They are updated live to reflect how the project is tracking against the next goal.

Why creators should use them: 

Creators can use these to allow backers to see in real time how the project as a whole is tracking toward the next milestone, which will unlock new options/items/freebies etc. for the backers based on funding amount or backer count.

Action achievements

What they are:

Action achievements clickable achievements with a CTA and a destination URL. It tracks each click, so we consider it “achieved” if enough backers click it. 

Why creators should use them: 

“Action” achievements bring the somewhat passive stretch goal to active life. These achievements have a clickable call to action and a URL where that CTA goes. This allows you to ask your backers to take action on your behalf. The achievement tracks those clicks so you and your backers can see how many people have moved to take that action with and for you. 

Manual achievements:

What they are:

Manual achievements are wholly flexible to the creator’s preference but also very dependent on a creator to track. They provide similar flexibility to the action achievement in that they have a CTA and a URL destination and also BackerKit does not automatically track clicks, so creators will have to input/update the number of actions themselves. 

Why creators should use them: 

Creators should use manual achievements for those achievements that are entirely un-trackable except by a secret third thing that the creator knows how to do but BackerKit does not.

Social Share achievements:

What they are:

Similarly to action achievements, "Share" achievements are clickable achievements with a CTA and a share link as the destination URL. It tracks each click, so we consider it “achieved” if enough backers click it.

Why creators should use them: 

This is a bespoke type of achievement using our “share” technology. Creators can choose which platform (twitter or facebook) the click will bring backers to from the share module. Share achievements are best used to allow your backers to take the action of sharing your project on your behalf. 

Achievement Examples:

Land of Eem by Exalted Funeral

Spirit Island: Nature Incarnate by Greater Than Games

Horror Classics by Georges Bess: DRACULA and FRANKENSTEIN by Magnetic Press

Parrotlet Plush Pals by Corviforms

Let Your Community Know

Backers are not automatically notified of a new achievement. To get your community to vote, we recommend you:

  1. Publish an update about the achievement by selecting the achievement that you created. The achievement must be published in order to embed it into an update.
  2. Send a Launch email to those in your community who have not yet backed your project inviting them to engage with the achievement.
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