A Guide to Your Marketing Dashboard
Performance Overview
The Performance Overview is meant to offer you an update on how the marketing efforts for your campaign are performing. It is refreshed periodically throughout the day.
- Funds Raised: Total funds raised for the campaign that is attributed to BackerKit ads (total from all ad platforms in bold). This number is reported directly from the ads platform, which uses data from the custom conversion we set up for your project.
- Facebook: Funds raised by ads run on Facebook
- Google: Funds raised by ads run on Google (not applicable for all projects)
- Billable: The total funds raised for the campaign as reported by the crowdfunding platform analytics (BackerKit, Kickstarter, Indiegogo). Please note that the attribution window used by analytics programs differs from what is used by ad platforms and does not accurately capture or report the total pledges that are a result of ads. The commission will be charged based on this number.
- # of Pledges: Total pledges to the campaign that were driven by BackerKit ads (total from all ad platforms in bold)
- Spend: Total spend on ads (total from all ad platforms in bold)
- Daily Budget: Daily ads budget set on Facebook (daily budget not currently visible for Google). This may or may not be spent each day as we frequently flex the budget to achieve optimal ROAS.
- ROAS: Total funds raised by BackerKit ads divided by total ad spend.
- Newsletter: Total funds/pledges raised by placement in the BackerKit newsletter.
Total Billable: The total funds raised for the campaign as reported by the crowdfunding platform analytics (BackerKit, Kickstarter, Indiegogo). The commission will be charged based on this number according to your contract (please note: this does not include funds raised through lead gen).
Additional Notes:
- BackerKit commission is not reported on this table as the commission rate varies by platform. The commission will be calculated at the end of your campaign during the Invoicing phase, which occurs about 2 weeks after your campaign ends.
- Cancellations will automatically be reflected.
- Pledges gained through Launch emails are not incorporated into the Performance Overview dashboard because Launch is available to all creators, regardless of whether they are using our marketing services. BackerKit does not charge commission on pledges attributed to Launch emails.
- Not all projects will have Google ads.
BackerKit Leads
If you are using BackerKit’s lead gen advertising service, this table will appear on your marketing dashboard.
- Leads: Total number of leads that were collected through BackerKit’s lead gen ads.
- Spend: Amount spent on lead gen ads on Facebook.
- CPL: Cost per lead (spend divided by # of leads)
- Pledges: Total pledges to the campaign that came from those who signed up during BackerKit lead gen advertising.
- Current hover language: Pledges by leads trackable by BackerKit will be reflected while the project is live. Pledges by leads not trackable by Backerkit will be updated after the project ends. Results exclude any pledges by previous backers.
- Value: Total real-time funds raised from the leads BackerKit collected. The commission will be charged based on this number.
- Conversion %: Conversion rate on the leads gathered by BackerKit (number of pledges divided by total leads collected x100).
Additional Notes:
- BackerKit commission is not reported on this table. The commission will be calculated at the end of your campaign during the Invoicing phase, about two weeks after your campaign ends.
- Cancellations are automatically reflected.
These graphs show you the overall impact of marketing efforts through BackerKit services & tools.
- Impact tab: Visual representation of daily funding with BackerKit-driven revenue in red.
- Funds tab: The total daily funds raised by BackerKit ads
- Pledges tab: The total daily number of pledges driven by BackerKit ads
These graphs show you the overall funding trajectory and daily trends of pledges.
- Projection tab: Algorithm-based funding projection/prediction (note: current projection needs a few days of data before it is relatively accurate). If you hover over the line, you’ll see the trend.
- Predicted Raise when BackerKit Marketing started: Algorithm-based funding projection based on daily pledge trends measured before ads begin (expect this to be $0 if ads started on day 1).
- Current Projection: Algorithm-based funding projection based on daily pledge trends, inclusive of ads-driven pledges
- BK Ads Lift: This represents the overall snowball effect of BackerKit marketing on your campaign — funds raised + the viral effect that marketing tends to generate. (Note: This is only shown when ads begin after launch day.)
- Daily Funds tab: The total daily funds raised on the campaign
- Daily Pledges tab: The total daily number of pledges on the campaign
If you have any additional questions about the dashboard or performance, please reach out to your marketing rep.