Campaign Leaderboard for Backers

Leaderboard for Collections

Backers who pledge to campaigns in a Project Collection, such as Pintopia 1& 2 and Purple Planet DCC Horde, have an opportunity to show up on a Project Collection Leaderboard. The leaderboard sums the number of points a backer has on projects within the collection.

Points are assigned by badges from individual campaigns:

  • Every Bronze Badge gets 1 point
  • Every Silver Badge gets 2 points
  • Every Gold Badge gets 3 points.

Individual Campaigns

Badges are assigned via the following criteria:

  1. Bronze: Backers who take the following action:

  2. Silver: Backers who achieve BRONZE PLUS the following actions:
    1. ENGAGES on the campaign in three or more of these actions
      1. Votes on a poll
      2. Votes on any community object 
      3. Comments on any community object 
      4. Clicks through any achievement 'Call to Action' 
    2. Ex: Voting on three different community objects = Silver, or voting on a poll and commenting two times on any community object = Silver.

  1. Gold: Backers who achieve SILVER PLUS the following actions:
    1. ENGAGES at the highest level, any combination of these 10x times
      1. Votes on a poll
      2. Votes on any community object 
      3. Comments on any community object 
      4. Clicks through any achievement 'Call to Action'
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