How Do I Create and Add Items to My Crowdfunding Campaign?

When you are setting up pledge levels and add-ons for your upcoming crowdfunding campaign, you want to describe what your backers will receive when they make their selection. One of the best ways to do this is to list out exactly which items are included in each pledge level and add-on.

You can assign the items that are included when you set up each pledge level and add-on, and backers will see them when they make their selections during the campaign.

The Items feature enables you to manage all of the items you are offering for your crowdfunding campaign and gives you an overview of how they are assigned to pledge levels and add-ons. It will help you understand the structure of your campaign and keep track of how many of each item gets selected.

Here are important tips to keep in mind when you itemize your crowdfunding project:

  • Do your best to itemize pledge levels and add-ons

    When setting up your crowdfunding campaign, take the opportunity to think about each of your items and how you want to structure your pledge levels and add-ons to provide a range of offerings to get your backers excited.

  • Assigning items consistently

    If different pledge levels and add-ons include the same item, represent that by assigning the exact same item to those various pledge levels and add-ons. When assigning items for your pledge level or add-ons, you will be prompted to select existing items that you've already created for another pledge level or add-on.

  • Assigning multiple items

    If you are offering multiple of the same item for a pledge level or add-on, you should assign the same item multiple times. For example, if you are offering a pledge level that includes three (3) enamel pins, you want to create an item called "enamel pin" and assign that item three times to the pledge level. The backers will see the item collapsed on the list as "×3 enamel pin."

  • Creating items with options

    If you are offering an item with different options and need backers to make a choice, you'll want to create an item that represents the main product. For example, if you are offering an enamel pin with three different designs that a backer can choose from, create an item called "enamel pin." You can set up the three different options in the pledge manager after the campaign, and backers will receive a survey to make their selections.

  • Name your items clearly and consistently.

    Ensure that backers can distinguish between different items by naming them clearly. Consistent naming helps backers easily compare and make decisions on all of your offerings.

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