How do I merge or split pledges?
If a backer wants to combine separate pledges into one pledge, or split a single pledge into multiple pledges, you can split or merge the pledges for them.
A backer may have made separate pledges, perhaps from different email addresses or placed two or more orders through the pre-orders, and now wants to combine them into one single pledge. Or a backer may want to split their pledge to send to different addresses.
Note: Indiegogo backers with multiple pledges can have their pledges collapsed together if they used the same email address for each pledge. Please contact us for assistance.
How do I merge multiple pledges into one pledge?
To merge multiple pledges into a single pledge: On the menu on the left, click Backers.
- Search for the backer by their name, email address, notes, or pledge ID.
Note: If a backer has multiple pledges, they will be listed multiple times in the search results.
- When you find the backer, click their name.
- Verify the amount the backer pledged for each separate pledge and determine the total amount contributed by the backer across all pledges.
- Adjust one of the pledges to reflect the total amount the backer pledged across all their contributions. Don’t change the original pledge level selected by the backer.
- Under Pledge Level, in the Pledged during campaign box, enter the total amount pledged. For example, if the backer made two separate pledges of $20 and $30, adjust one of the pledges to reflect a total of $50 pledged.
- Click Save.
6. Combine the items into the pledge you're keeping by using Add-ons.
- Scroll down to the Add-ons section, click Edit.
- Add the items from the other pledges using the Add-ons section and click Next to save.
- If the Add-on is priced differently in BackerKit than was offered as a pledge item or add-on during the campaign, adjust the survey balance by offering complimentary credit.
7. Double-check to see if the total amount paid during the campaign and items are combined correctly.
8. Mark the remaining pledges as canceled. For more information, see How do I remove backers
How do I split a pledge into multiple pledges?
To split a single pledge into multiple pledges:
- On the menu on the left, click Backers.
- Search for the backer by their name, email address, notes, or pledge ID.
- When you find the backer, click View Profile next to their name.
- From the Actions menu in the top right corner, select Create New Pledge.
Note: Creating a new pledge creates a new survey for $0. If the backer filled out address information it is copied to the new pledge.
- Divide the backer’s main contribution into smaller pledges. For example, if the backer pledged $180 and wants to split the amount into two pledges of $100 and $80 respectively, adjust one pledge to $100 and the other to $80.
- In the Pledged during campaign box, enter the new value of the pledge.
- In the Pledge level selected box, if necessary, select the new pledge level.
- Verify that the pledge level amount matches the amount pledged, or if the backer needs to pay the difference.
- Click Save.