How do I allow my backers to pick up their rewards?

If you're offering local pick-up, you can enable Local Pickup and add a note identifying where the backers can pick up their order.
The backers will select Local Pickup as their country and will not be charged shipping. To identify these backers you can segment the backers using the Regions filter and Local Pickup as the country. 
If you do not want to charge your backers for Local pickup when they go through the survey, you can use our "Local Pickup" feature. 

1. Go to " Add Shipping Fees" on the sidebar of your project.

2. Click the " Advanced Shipping," tab, check off "Allow Local Pickup?", add any pickup notes and click "Save." We recommend also adding "**Local Pickup is located under the Country drop down** in the notes field.

3. Click " Review Pledge Levels" on the sidebar. Find the pledge level(s) you want to offer local pick up to and click "Edit Details."

4. Click " Add New Shipping Fee," "Choose Country," and select "Local Pick Up." Apply a $0 shipping fee and save. Repeat this process for any other pledge levels that require local pick-up. 

When you set up add-on shipping, you will need to make sure to set up a region for Local Pickup and apply a $0 fee there as well. 

You will be able to use the segmenting tool to isolate folks who are from the Local Pickup region to keep track of them. 

Backers cannot find Local Pickup while filling out their Shipping Address?

'Local Pickup' can be selected from the Country drop down field, near the top of the Countries list.

Please note: the survey will still collect their address, aside from their country. This in case a backer is unable to pick up their rewards, and you will still have their shipping information.

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