How to use Updates

Keeping your backers in the loop with regular updates is key to running a successful crowdfunding campaign. We recommend you send updates after your project is live. Before your project is live, you can use Launch emails to communicate with your audience.

Transparency is Trust

Just like in any relationship, trust is key! Backers are your #1 fans, and they want to know what's happening behind the scenes. Regular updates show you're committed, honest, and that their investment is in good hands.

Check out Daybreak's update on unforeseen shipping delays as an example of staying transparent:

Building Hype

Updates are your secret sauce for building excitement. Share sneak peeks, teasers, and success stories to keep your backers engaged and eager for what's coming next.

Check out Folkgore's Baba Yaga update as an example of how to build hype:

Feedback Matters

Your backers are a goldmine of ideas and feedback. They might spot potential issues or suggest cool features you haven't thought of. Updates are your chance to listen and adapt, turning your backers into collaborators.

Check out Flight Satchel's update for ideas on how to put backer feedback into action:

Celebration Time

Milestones and achievements are worth celebrating! Whether it's hitting a funding goal, reaching a production milestone, or overcoming a challenge, your backers want to share the joy. Updates are the confetti and champagne of your campaign!

Check out The Weird's update celebrating meeting their funding goal:

Pledge Management

When it comes time to survey your backers after the campaign and collect their shipping info, you'll want to let them know when those surveys are coming and what deadlines/dates they'll need to keep in mind. For templates, please review our Best Practices for Backer Communication help doc here.

Check out Nocturnal Nouveu's straight forward update letting their backers know pledge management surveys are on the way:

In a nutshell, updates are like a backstage pass you can offer your backers in exchange for their support. By communicating openly about both milestones and setbacks, you'll maintain the respect and patience of your backers. Keep the energy high, the information flowing, and your backers will appreciate it!

How to post an Update

  1. Navigate to Updates under Engagement on your sidebar.
  2. Click Create New Update and fill out the title and the body. If you need help adding images, check out our Formatting Guide.
    1. Optional: You can also attach a Poll or a Community Achievement to the update. More guidance on how to use Polls and Community Achievements can be found here.
    2. Optional: You can include Backer Only Content in an update that only backers will be able to access (useful if you're sharing a sneak peak/PDF of the project, or if you're looking for feedback from folks who are already onboard to support the project).
  3. Set the Commenting Eligibility
    1. Backers Only: anyone that backed the project can comment
    2. Anyone with a BackerKit Account: anyone with a BackerKit Account can comment
  4. Click Save Draft.
  5. Once Saved, you'll be able to Publish the update.
    1. If you want the followers of your project who have not backed yet to also receive a copy of the update in their inbox (useful for drumming up excitement about achievements and polls), check off "Also Notify X members in your Launch account" before clicking "Publish."

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