Exports: How do I export information to upload into Aetherworks?
If you are using Aetherworks to fulfill your rewards, the following steps will help you export backer information from BackerKit to upload into their software.
- In BackerKit go to Fulfillment, you will need to be on the “Manual Export” method
- You can switch between fulfillment methods by clicking the drop down “Switch Fulfillment Method” in the upper right corner
- Click on the “1. Export tab”, here you can decide if you want to export all the ready to fulfill backers or a segment of backers
- Download the SKU per column export
Once your file has been prepared, you can upload them to Aetherwork’s Aethership software via the bulk order import functionality. Your products should exist in Aethership already.
- Log into Aethership with the email your account was setup with (you can contact Aetherworks if you need help with your account or logging in)
- Click “Orders” on the left menu
- Click “Add Multiple Orders” on the top right
- Select the file you downloaded from BackerKit
- Your columns should be automatically matched and the values from the first order is displayed for you to verify, click “Next”
- Match up your SKUs with the SKUs you have created in Aethership and click “Next”
- A preview of your orders is shown for you before they are imported, you can verify them and click “Next”
- Click “Import” and allow the process to finish, this will take time depending on the amount of orders
When the orders have been fulfilled, you can upload the tracking number into BackerKit to assign them to the backer and mark them as fulfilled. To export the orders and the tracking numbers from Aetherwork’s Aethership:
- Click on “Orders”
- Click on “Download Order Summary”
- Select one or more projects (or no project) and the date range for the orders
- Click “Download”
- The CSV has two columns relevant to BackerKit - the “externalOrderId” which will correspond to the BackerKit Order ID, and “tracking”, which is the tracking for the shipment going to the backer, and will be usable on the Australia Post (AusPost) website.