Exports: How do I export information to upload into Pick & Pack Logistics?

If you are using Pick & Pack Logistics to fulfill your rewards, the following steps will help you export backer information from BackerKit to upload into their software.

  • In BackerKit go to Fulfillment, you will need to be on the “Manual Export” method
    • You can switch between fulfillment methods by clicking the drop down “Switch Fulfillment Method” in the upper right corner
  • Click on the “1. Export tab”, here you can decide if you want to export all the ready to fulfill backers or a segment of backers
  • Download the SKU per Column, this file must be modified to comply with the Pick & Pack Logistics template, found here
    • Remove the following columns
      • Service Guid
      • Platform
      • Reward Id
      • Name
      • Pledged Amount
      • Pledge Status
      • Notes
      • Public Notes
      • Pledged At
      • Survey Answered At
      • Full Address
      • Full Country
      • Reward Price
      • Reward Description
      • Order Placed
      • Order ID
      • Order Status
      • Order Charged
      • Charge Token
      • Funds Added in BackerKit
      • Add-on Shipping Subtotal
      • Pledge Level Shipping Subtotal
      • Total Spent
    • Add a column to the left of the first SKU, it will be column K
      • The header will be “SKU:”
    • Move the following columns
      • Address Phone to column C
      • Address Postal Code to column I

Once the file is prepared, you can send it to your contact at Pick & Pack Logistics or reach out through their online form: https://www.pnplogistics.ca/contact-us-business/

When the orders have been fulfilled, you can upload the tracking number into BackerKit to assign the tracking number to the backer and mark them as fulfilled.

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