Exports: How do I export information to upload into Bridge Distribution and Fulfillment?

If you are using Bridge Distribution and Fulfillment to fulfill your rewards, the following steps will help you export backer information from BackerKit to upload into their software.

  • In BackerKit go to Fulfillment, you will need to be on the “Manual Export” method
    • You can switch between fulfillment methods by clicking the drop down “Switch Fulfillment Method” in the upper right corner
  • Click on the “1. Export tab”, here you can decide if you want to export all the ready to fulfill backers or a segment of backers
  • Download the SKU per line export
  • You can find the Bridge Distribution and Fulfillment template here, as long as the header names match exactly the file you prepare to upload does not need to be in any specific order, the upload tool will automatically map for you
    • The columns with green headers are all required
  • In the file you exported from BackerKit, add a column after the Name column and then split column B so the first and last name are in different columns, directions for Excel here and Google Sheets here
    • Splitting will override what you have listed in the subsequent columns, so make sure to add an extra column so no information is removed from the file
  • Change the following column names so they match exactly
    • Column A - “Backer ID” to “Order Number”
    • Column B - “Name” to “First Name”
    • Column C (the newly created split column) should be called “Last Name”
    • Column D - “Address Line 1” to “Address”
    • Column E - “Address Line 2” to “Address 2”
    • Column F - “Address City” to “City”
    • Column G - “Address State” to “State / Province”
    • Column H - “Address Postal” to “Zip”
    • Column I - “Address Country” to “Country Code”
    • Column K - “Address Phone” to “Phone”
    • Column L - “Email” to “Customer Email”
    • Column M - “Pledged At” to “Order Date”
    • Column O - “SKU Name” to “Product Name”
    • Column P - “SKU Code” to “Product Sku”
  • Add the following columns to the end of the file (most of these columns can be left blank, but see exception notes below)
    • Required Ship Date
      • You can use this column if you need an order shipped by a certain date
    • Shop Name
    • Company
      • Use this column if shipping to a retail store or other distributors
    • Price
      • This can typically be left blank, SKUs and their information is input into Shiphero with a partner via a different template
    • Warehouse
      • Shiphero allows accounts to ship from multiple warehouses, in this case it always needs to be PRIMARY and primary should be in the column for every order
    • Profile
      • This column always needs to have DEFAULT listed in the orders

Once your file has been prepared you can send to it to your contact at Bridge Distribution and Fulfillment

When the orders have been fulfilled, you can upload the tracking number into BackerKit to assign the tracking number to the backer and mark them as fulfilled

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