Exports: How do I export information to upload into Fulfillment Europe GmbH?

If you are using Fulfillment Europe GmbH to fulfill your rewards, the following steps will help you export backer information from BackerKit to upload into Fulfillment Europe GmbH.

  • If you haven’t already, you will need to fill out and return the Project Overview to Fulfillment Europe GmbH
  • In BackerKit go to Fulfillment, you will need to be on the “Manual Export” method
    • You can switch between fulfillment methods by clicking the drop down “Switch Fulfillment Method” in the upper right corner
  • Click on the “1. Export tab”, here you can decide if you want to export all the ready to fulfill backers or a segment of backers
  • Download the SKU per Line, this file must be modified to comply with the Fulfillment Europe GmbH template, found here
    • Remove the following columns
      • Full Address
      • Notes
    • Move the following columns
      • Sku code to column B
      • Sku name to column C
      • Quantity to column D
      • Pledged At to column E
      • Email to column F
      • Address State to column J
    • Any columns you didn’t move will now be in the right spot
    • Fulfillment Europe GmbH has additional optional columns that are not available to export directly from BackerKit, ignore any optional columns not mentioned in the steps above

Once your file has been prepared you can email it to their team for upload: info@fulfillment-europe.de

When the orders have been fulfilled, you can upload the tracking number into BackerKit to assign the tracking number to the backer and mark them as fulfilled.

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