How do I issue complimentary credits?

Complimentary credits are optional, additional credits that you can give to a backer. For example, you may want to give a backer extra credit for discounts and special deals.

Note: Complimentary credits don’t change the total dollar amount collected for your project.

To issue a complimentary credit to a specific backer:

  1. On the menu on the left, click Backers.
  2. Search for the backer by their name, email address, notes, or pledge ID.
  3. When you find the backer, click their name.
  4. Under Pledge Level, in the Complimentary Credit box, enter a credit amount.
  5. Click Save.

To issue bulk complimentary credit to a specific group of backers:

  1. Create a segment of the backers needing credit.
  2. Once the segment is created, click on Segment Actions.
  3. You can then enter in the complimentary credit amount and click Assign Credit.

How to find your first 48 Hour Backers

If you don't already have a list of your first 48 hour backers, you can use BackerKit's Segments and Export Reports feature to locate them. 
  1. Create a Segment of all backers by using the filter >> "In these pledge levels" and select all pledge levels. If the free item is physical, we recommend only selecting physical tiers as to not add physical items to Digital Only or No Reward tiers. 
From the Segment >> Click 'Export Reports', download SKU per Column, which will have a column for Pledged At with timestamp. Copy all email addresses from that first 48 hour window:
  1. Go to Segments >> Click Create a New Segment >> Name the segment
  2. Choose Filter, and click 'Backers with emails'
  3. Paste all email addresses from the CSV downloaded from the SKU per Column report
  4. Click Filter Backers 
    1. Apply any other needed filters (such as "pledged more than X" or "in these pledge levels" etc.)
  5. Click Save This Segment and then click on the Segment Actions tab
  6. Assign Complimentary Credit (BackerKit Credit $) or Manually Add an Item (free item)
    1. If you need to apply an add-on with options, please email your Success rep or
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