How do I add free items to my backers surveys?
If you have a complimentary item or stretch goal that was unlocked during the campaign that you want to add to backers’ carts before surveys are sent out, you can do so in BackerKit.
Complimentary item: no options and free shipping
Complimentary item: with options and/or has shipping fee
Complimentary item: with options AND with upgrade fees
Unlocked Stretch Goals
If you have a stretch goal that was unlocked during the campaign, you can add the product SKU to all relevant Pledge Levels using Review Pledge Levels page.
- If the stretch goal does not have options, you can add the product SKU directly in Pledge Items section.
- If the stretch goal has options, you can set up a Pledge Question with available options, automatically using Item Generator tool or manually using Pledge Questions page.
Not sure how to set up your items including stretch goals, check out this help article: How do I set up items in BackerKit?
Complimentary items
If you offered a free item to qualified backers (VIP backers, first 24/48 hour backers, etc), you can add the complimentary product to backers depending on whether the product has options and/or shipping fee.
Complimentary item: No options and free shipping
- Create a segment of backers who qualify for the promotional item using the Segments tool.
- Go to Segment
- Click Create a New Segment
- Name the segment
- Choose Filter, and click "Backer with emails >>", copy and paste the emails
- Click Filter Backers then apply any other needed filters (such as "in these pledge levels" etc.)
- Click Save This Segment.
- Create the complimentary item to add to backers’ carts.
- Create the item manually using the Master SKUs page or automatically using the Item Generator tool.
To add the complimentary item to qualified backers’ carts, click into the Segment you just saved, then on the Segment Actions tab and add the item using the Manually Add an Item feature.
NOTE: If you are using Whole Order weight based shipping profile, in order to give free shipping on the complimentary item, the item SKU must be set to 0 oz/grams. If this item has weight and is included in pledge levels or add-ons, please create a new separate SKU with zero weight assigned.
Complimentary item: with options and/or has shipping fee.
- Create a segment of backers who qualify for the promotional item using the Segments tool.
- Go to Segment
- Click Create a New Segment
- Name the segment
- Choose Filter, and click Backer with emails, copy and paste the emails
- Click Filter Backers then apply any other needed filters (such as "in these pledge levels" etc.)
- Click Save This Segment.
- Create the complimentary add-on to add to backers’ carts.
- Create a hidden add-on manually on the Customize Add-ons page or automatically using the Item Generator tool.
- If the add-on has options, set up an add-on question with the available options through Customize Add-ons -->Advanced tab.
- If the add-on item has shipping fee, set up an add-on shipping profile on the Add Shipping Fees page and apply it to the complimentary add-on.
- Create a hidden add-on manually on the Customize Add-ons page or automatically using the Item Generator tool.
To add the complimentary add-on to qualified backers’ carts, please reach out to your Success Rep or at with the 1) name of add-on and 2) name of segment of backers.
Complimentary item: with options AND with upgrade fees
If you have a free item that comes with options (eg t-shirt) AND with upgrade fees for some of the options:
1. Create the complimentary add-on to add to backers’ carts.
- Create the add-on with upgrade fees manually on the Customize Add-ons page or automatically using the Item Generator tool> add the upgrade fees.
- Second, set up the segment with backers who qualify for the free item.
- Go to Segment
- Click Create a New Segment
- Name the segment
- Choose Filter, and click Backer with emails, copy and paste the emails
- Click Filter Backers then apply any other needed filters (such as "in these pledge levels" etc.)
- Click Save This Segment.
To add the complimentary add-on to qualified backers’ carts, please reach out to your Success Rep or at with the 1) name of add-on and 2) name of segment of backers.