How do I apply incentives offered during my campaign to my backers?

Offering incentives is one of the proven ways to encourage your community to pledge to your campaign. If you have offered incentives during your campaign, they should be added to backers’ carts before the survey is sent out. 

How to find your First 48 Hour Backers

If you don't already have a list of your first 48 hour backers, you can use BackerKit's Segments and Export Reports feature to locate them. 

  1. Create a Segment of all backers by using the filter: Pledge Levels → In these pledge levels and select all pledge levels. If the free item is physical, we recommend only selecting physical tiers as to not add physical items to Digital Only or No Reward tiers. 
  2. From the Segment >> Click 'Export Reports', download  SKU per Column, which will have a column for Pledged At with timestamp. 
  3. Copy all email addresses from that first 48 hour window and use the same steps above to create a segment using filter: Backers  →with Emails, paste emails addresses of qualifying backers and Save. 
  4. Assign Complimentary Credit (BackerKit Credit $) or Manually Add an Item (free item)

How to find your Returning Backers

  1. Create a Segment using the filter: Backers → Who backed any of these projects → Selec the qualifying previous projects and Save. 
    1. If only backers from physical tiers qualify for the freebie, add a second filter: Pledge Levels → In these pledge levels to exclude Digital Only or No Reward tiers. 
  2. Assign Complimentary Credit (BackerKit Credit $) or Manually Add an Item (free item)

How do I apply the incentives offered through BackerKit Launch/Teaser Page

If you offered incentives in your Teaser Page or through an email campaign, you will need to reflect your incentives in your BackerKit project.

First look in the Launch Dashboard:

  1. If you offered an incentive for folks who signed up to your Landing/Teaser page, select "Landing Pages" at the top. 
  2. Click on the number of leads under "Leads Collected" and then click that number again. 
  3. In the top right, you can click "Actions" and select Export list to download the CSV.  OR
  4. If you offered the incentive through an email campaign, go to "Email Campaigns" at the top and click on the title of the email that offered the incentive.
  5. View the results page of the email campaign and click into the total listed under "Clicked"
  6. You will see the committed members, click the Actions drop down and select Export list to download the CSV.

Then in your BackerKit Dashboard:

  1. Go to Segment
  2. Click Create a New Segment
  3. Name the segment
  4. Choose Filter, and click Backer —> with emails
  5. Copy and paste the emails from the CSV downloaded from Launch
  6. Click Filter Backers then apply any other needed filters (such as "pledged more than X" or "in these pledge levels" etc.)
  7. Click Save This Segment and then click on the Segment Actions tab
  8. Assign Complimentary Credit (BackerKit Credit $) or Manually Add an Item (free item)

How do I apply cross collab incentives?

If you collaborated with another creator during your campaign and had offered free incentive to backers who backed both your and partner creator's campaign, you can apply the cross collab incentive to qualifying backers' carts.

  1. Create a segment using the Segments —> Advanced Segment Actions page —> click on Create Partner Project Segment to generate the segment of qualifying backers.

  1. Go back to main Segment's page where you will find the segment titled: Cross Collab Backers in physical tiers
  2. Manually Add an Item (free item) or apply Complimentary Credit , whichever is applicable (BackerKit Credit $)
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