How do I apply incentives offered to my backers during my campaign?
If you ran your crowdfunding campaign on BackerKit, please view this article: How do I apply incentives offered to my backers during my BackerKit Crowdfunding campaign?
If you offered free items during the campaign or unlocked stretch goals, ensure those freebies are added to backers' carts before sending the survey.
Applying unlocked stretch goal items
- IF the stretch goal item does not have options:
- Navigate to Review Pledge Levels page
- For pledge levels that qualify for the stretch goal item, add the SKU under the Pledge Items section.
- IF the stretch goal item has options:
- Option 1: Assign a pledge question to pledge levels that qualify by using the Item Generator tool
- Option 2: Assign a custom pledge question on the Review Pledge Levels page
Applying free items to backers who qualify
Create a segment of backers who qualify for the incentive.
- For pre-launch signup incentives offered through Launch Emails/Teaser Page
- Navigate to Segments
- Click on Advanced Segment Actions
- Click on Backers who opted into project prelive
- If you only offered incentives to specific backers (i.e. physical pledge levels only), you will need to filter the segment further to reflect only the backers that should receive the free item.
- For incentives offered to the "first X hours" Backers
- Navigate to Segments and Create a New Segment
- Choose filter Pledge Levels › in these pledge levels and select the qualifying pledge levels
- Save the segment
- Click Export Reports and download the SKU per Column report
- Use the Pledged At timestamp to identify the backers that qualify
- Copy the email address of the backers
- Go back to Segments and Create a New Segment
- Choose filter Backers › with emails and paste in the copied email addresses
- Save the segment
- For pre-launch signup incentives offered through Launch Emails/Teaser Page
Apply the free item to the backers in the segment.
- IF your free item does not have any options and does not collect shipping fee:
- For the segment you created, navigate to the Segment Actions tab
- Under Manually Add an Item, select the free item that should be added to backers in the segment. If you do not see the item, you need to create it first.
If you're using a weight-based shipping profile, set the SKU weight to 0 to offer free shipping. If the SKU has weight and is included in other pledge levels or add-ons, create a separate SKU with a weight of 0.
- IF your free item does not have any options and does not collect shipping fee:
- IF your free item has options OR you need to collect a shipping fee:
- Create an add-on for the free item with options
- Set up an add-on shipping profile on the Add Shipping Fees page and assign it to the add-on
To add the free item as an add-on to qualified backers’ carts, please reach out to your Success Rep or at with the 1) name of add-on and 2) name of segment of backers.
- IF your free item has options with upgrade fees:
- Create an add-on for the free item with options and add the upgrade fee to an option
- To add the free item as an add-on to qualified backers’ carts, please reach out to your Success Rep or at with the 1) name of add-on and 2) name of segment of backers.
To add the free item as an add-on to qualified backers’ carts, please reach out to your Success Rep or at with the 1) name of add-on and 2) name of segment of backers.