How to unlock backer's shipping address?

Unlocking a shipping address for an individual backer

If a backer's shipping address is locked but would like to make an edit, you can unlock their address so they can make any edits. To unlock a backer's shipping address:

  1. Locate the backer's order

Search for the backer by their name, email address, or pledge ID using the search bar at the top of the page (Pro tip: You can also search for backers under the Backers page on the left menu.)

  1. Use the Status section → Unlock Address

Please Note: Backer’s shipping Country and State fields are locked after initial input because shipping fees may vary from country to country and state to state (if state-based shipping fees are set up).

  • If the new shipping country/state is charging a higher shipping fee, you can Charge the backer’s card for the new balance using the Status section on the order page.
  • If the new shipping country/state is charging a lower shipping fee, you can process a partial refund back to the backer. 
  1. Click Invite or Resend survey/pre-order to send the survey link so the backer can update their shipping address

Unlocking shipping addresses for a group of backers

If you have locked shipping addresses but now want backers to update their shipping addresses, you can unlock shipping addresses in bulk using Segment Action → Unlock Addresses

  1. Create a segment of backers with locked addresses using a segment filter:

  1. Click into the Segment Actions tab → click on Unlock Addresses

  1. To lock addresses again, use the Take Action Timeline on your Main Dashboard → Lock Addresses (Click here for how to manage orders after surveys are sent out)

Please Note: Backer’s shipping Country and State fields are locked after initial input because shipping fees may vary from country to country and state to state (if state-based shipping fees are set up).

  • If the new shipping country/state is charging a higher shipping fee, you can Charge the backer’s card for the new balance using the Status section on the order page.
  • If the new shipping country/state is charging a lower shipping fee, you can process a partial refund back to the backer. 

Updating shipping address on behalf of a backer using the pledge details page

  1. Locate the backer's order

Search for the backer by their name, email address, or pledge ID using the search bar at the top of the page. (Pro tip: You can also search for backers under the Backers page on the left menu.)

  1. Use the View/Edit as Backer button to ensure that the new shipping address is 'validated'

  1. Jump to Shipping page on survey/pre-order using Go to Page menu, located at the top right corner (this is admin view only)

  1. Add in the backer's shipping address → click Next to validate the shipping address
  2. Click on Backer’s Name at the top of the page to exit from the edit window

Please Note: Backer’s shipping Country and State fields are locked after initial input because shipping fees may vary from country to country and state to state (if state-based shipping fees are set up).

  • If the new shipping country/state is charging a higher shipping fee, you can Charge the backer’s card for the new balance using the Status section on the order page.
  • If the new shipping country/state is charging a lower shipping fee, you can process a partial refund back to the backer. 
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